(Use not for the purpose of enjoying the ideas or sentiments expressed in the work)
Article 30-4 A work may be exploited, regardless of the method used, in the following cases and in other cases where the purpose is not to enjoy oneself or to cause others to enjoy the ideas or sentiments expressed in the work, to the extent deemed necessary for such enjoyment. However, this shall not apply where, in light of the type and use of the work and the manner of such use, the interests of the copyright holder would be unjustly impaired.
(i) where the work is used for testing for the development or practical application of technology pertaining to sound recording, video recording or other exploitation of a work
(ii) Information analysis (meaning the extraction, comparison, classification, or other analysis of information pertaining to language, sound, images, or other elements constituting said information from a large number of works or other large amounts of information. The same shall apply in Article 47-5, paragraph (1), item (ii)) (iii) Where the information is used for the following purposes
(iii) in addition to the cases listed in the preceding two items, when the work is used in the course of information processing by computers or in any other use of the work (except, in the case of a program work, execution of the work on a computer) without any perceptual recognition of the expression of the work by human perception (ii) in the case where the work is used for the following purposes
There was a discussion about what would happen if GPL code was included in the training data for a model that learns source code and generates source code from comments, but copyright is restricted regarding this usage in the first place.
Well, if I were on the modeling side, I would remove from the training data any code that explicitly declares GPL, since it is not a very difficult process.
If the code output by it happens to match the GPL code, it is not an infringement of copyright because there is no reliance.
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